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Shipping & ReturnShipping Cost offers Worldwide Shipping service by international couriers like FedEx UPS DHL. We ship your order in an expedited manner, allowing you to receive the order usually in 3-7 working days, and we will provide a tracking number once your order is shipped. Shipping cost is calculated based on country/area. We provide particular shipping methods, which can be found on the shopping cart when you check out.
Shipping Address We ship worldwide! For customers who use Paypal, your shipping address must be the same as on the Paypal record. No shipping is available to FPO/APO/PO Boxes or addresses if couriers like FedEx UPS, DHL TNT EMS.
Business Days Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.
Processing Time Orders received between Monday and Friday are usually processed the same day or by the end of the next business day. Orders received on Saturday and Sunday are usually processed by Monday or by Tuesday's close of the business day. Once processed, we will ship your order by a designated courier in the next 24 hours. You will receive a shipment confirmation e-mail with your tracking number after approximately 2-3 business days from the time you place your order.
Customs & Duties All prices on are based on FOB terms. We are in charge of customs on our side, and buyers are in charge of customs in their own countries. Usually, couriers (DHL, FedEx, etc.) can handle customs clearance quickly.
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